nChannel Has Officially Launched!
Wow – where do we start
We’ve spent the summer putting together nChannel and we’ve officially launched! With general availability in January 2012, the nChannel platform will represent a unique, comprehensive and compelling management platform for multi-channel retailers. Our cloud-based management platform for multi-channel retailers will fully embrace the simplicity and real-time communication concepts that have been applied in instant messaging, social networks, and cloud-based computing creating an eco-system of connected applications that allow for more simplified capability discovery, self-provisioning, and operation with a minimum of end-user expertise.
Retailers will have the ability to self-provision “connectors” for applications such as Microsoft Dynamics GP, Microsoft RMS, QuickBooks and several eCommerce solutions in January which will be followed by a string of other available connectors. The connectors will enable data synchronization from a retailer’s applications providing a centralized clearinghouse that fully administrates multi-channel processing for a low monthly fee. No large investments – no long term commitments – just streamlined, cost effective workflows accessible via a browser.
There will be lots more news to come so stay tuned – – which you can do by
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