Sorted by Tag: B2B
Top B2B Marketplaces (and How to Sell Successfully on Them)
(This post was originally posted on August 10th, 2017. It has been updated for accuracy and completeness.)
Merchants should always be looking for ways to grow their business by selling more products to more customers. One way B2B merchants are doing this is by selling on online marketplaces.
For many B2B sellers, online marketplaces are an untapped opportunity as they provide easy access to large new audiences. In this article, learn what some of the top B2B marketplaces are and how you can successfully sell on them. (more…)
Search & B2B eCommerce Success
(This is a guest post from our friends over at Hawksearch, a search platform that leverages advanced machine learning and pattern analysis to identify the best search experience to deliver to both your B2C and B2B users.)
The eCommerce industry has had explosive growth in the past few years. Ad Week recently stated that millions of dollars of business are conducted every 60 seconds on today’s eCommerce websites. While B2C online selling is still ahead, the great news is that B2B eCommerce is growing exponentially every year. In fact, B2B eCommerce is rapidly becoming a critical marketing channel for many industries, including manufacturing and distributors. There is no question that B2B eCommerce will create the opportunity for these businesses to see significant sales and revenue growth.
Selling online for B2B companies such as manufactures and distributors has really changed the way business gets done, especially when compared to traditional methods. In this blog, we are going to look at how B2B businesses can really benefit from eCommerce and how companies can harness the latest technology to achieve real online success. (more…)
Tips for B2B Merchants Launching their First B2C eCommerce Site
B2B companies today are rethinking their online strategies. eCommerce is no longer an afterthought, but rather a can’t miss opportunity to expand your business model and acquire new customers.
Even beyond providing a better experience online for current B2B customers, B2B merchants are taking the leap to sell direct to consumers. It’s a way to differentiate from your competition and tap into new markets.
It can be a little overwhelming though to move from B2B selling to B2C online selling. So, we’ll take an in-depth look at nChannel customer Amax Incorporated, a B2B seller, and how they successfully launched four B2C websites for the first time. (more…)
B2B Mobile eCommerce: The Future is Here
(This is a guest post from our friends over at Quick eSelling, a cutting-edge Mobile eCommerce solution for B2B & B2C sellers.)
Today’s B2B customers are emulating B2C trends and transitioning their buying into online and mobile environments. There is a major shift from traditional activity of exploring print catalogs and talking to sales representatives, to starting the digital process by performing online searches on mobile devices. This is reshaping the B2B buyer journey.
“Worldwide B2B e-commerce will reach $6.7 trillion by 2020 and majority of these transactions will happen on Mobile” Forbes (more…)
Increase Lead Generation with a B2B Content Marketing Strategy
B2C marketers aren’t the only ones who can use content marketing to nurture and generate customers. B2B marketers can also use content marketing to inspire, delight, and encourage leads to turn into repeat buyers.
However, content marketing is often a new idea for B2B sellers. So, learn more about what content marketing is, why it works, and how it can increase your lead generation efforts. (more…)