Sorted by Tag: ERP/Accounting
Why Retailers Should Integrate Their Accounting System
(This post was originally published on October 23rd, 2013. We’ve updated it for accuracy and completeness.)
All merchants deal with the challenge of managing the data that their operations generate. You must pull orders, update item information, update inventory counts, create invoices, and enter payments into your accounting systems.
If you’re quickly growing or sell across multiple channels, then tracking down data takes most of your time and many hands to do. If not managed correctly, manually moving data between systems can be costly and counterproductive. That’s why many merchants turn to integrating their accounting system.
In this article, we’ll talk about the benefits of accounting integration and the best way to approach it.
10 Signs That You Need Multichannel Retail Integration
Your multichannel business is growing! Orders are flying in. You’re thinking of expanding to new sales channel like Amazon or an eCommerce website. You’re hiring more staff just to keep up.
With growth though comes growing pains.
Higher order volumes result in more order processing. Each channel adds more inventory to track and orders to invoice. Product descriptions need shared across all channels to remain consistent.
You start to feel the weight of having your systems disconnected. Your processes aren’t streamlined and automated. Your staff is spending most of their days manually entering data from one system to another. You stop focusing on growth and more on how to fix order errors made by your team.
Is it time for you to integrate your multichannel business? (more…)
ERP Evaluation: Choosing an ERP for Your Multichannel Retail Business
Your business is growing. You realize you need a robust backend system like an ERP to manage your processes.
There’s many different types of ERP systems available. How do you evaluate different ERP systems for the one that’s best for your multichannel retail business?
This article will help you choose an ERP that supports specific multichannel retail requirements that meets your customers’ demands. (more…)
What We’re Reading: Choosing the Right Retail Platforms
The success of your company can depend on the platforms that you choose to run your business. However, there’s so many different platforms to choose from! This week week we’re reading different articles to help you choose those critical platforms to run your retail business. (more…)
What We’re Reading: Cloud ERP Systems
Have you been thinking about moving to a cloud ERP system? If so, this week’s articles are for you. See what the benefits of cloud ERPs are and how to choose what type of ERP is right for your business. (more…)