This week we’re reading a variety of topics about creating an exceptional customer experience through automation, how to reduce freight costs, and a new report about failed online deliveries. Check out the articles below to see how you can improve your business.
Challenges of Automation
Is Staying Up with Customer Acceptance of Automation Worth the Challenges?
Retailers who fail to provide conveniences that automation offers will not meet current customer expectations. Retail experts talk in this article about overcoming the challenges of automation and whether or not it’s worth your time.
Reduce Freight Costs
Shipping Expenses Too High? 6 Tips on Reducing Freight Costs
When it comes to shipping expenses, some assume that they are fixed costs that cannot be changed. However, this article offers up 6 tips that can reduce freight costs by as much as 50%.
Fixing Failed Deliveries of Online Orders
Fixing Failed Deliveries: Improving Data Quality in Retail
1 in 20 online orders never reach their destination! In this new report, learn why failed deliveries occur and the consequences it can have on your eCommerce business.
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