This week we’re reading about collisions–convergence, if you will. Industries aren’t siloed anymore. Companies don’t stand alone as the provider of whatever it is they provide. The lines between just about everything are getting blurry, and here are three good examples of how that’s happening.
Transportation + Delivery = Uber
Uber Debuts On-Demand Delivery Service For Small Businesses In NYC, San Fran And Chicago
Uber isn’t just for a ride to the airport anymore. They have launched their delivery service in the big-time markets. Uber has disrupted the cab and limo industry, with many incumbents trying (and failing) to fight back. It’ll be interesting to see how the FedEx’s and UPS’s of the world respond to this.
Walmart + Software = Amazon?
Walmart Takes a Swipe at Amazon by Opening Up Its Cloud Management Software
Few people think of Walmart as a software company, but they are opening up their cloud management platform to the world by open-sourcing it. This article suggests that this move is a competitive one, and that Walmart is looking straight at Amazon. What do you think?
Amazon + Search > Google
Troubling Trend for eRetailers: Amazon Captures More Product Searches
Most people think Google when they hear the word “search”…but that may not always be correct. Internet Retailer gave their take on the recent research that showed Amazon is the top destination for product searches. For an eCommerce merchant that relies solely on organic search from Google, this could be troubling. But, a multichannel retailer, who expands to Amazon, can experience the best of both worlds.
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