This week we’re reading about what different retails brands are doing to keep up in today’s industry. See what some brands are doing well and where others are falling short.
Toys ‘R’ Us
What Went Wrong at Toys ‘R’ Us?
After 70 years, this massive toy store chain is the latest retailer to announce that they’re closing their doors. What went wrong? Read more to find out.
Gap Reimagines Its Roots and Gains Greater Brand Loyalty
Teetering on the edge is clothing retailer Gap. Despite losing its luster in recent years, has Gap finally started making progress again? Check out what Gap has been doing to increase their brand loyalty.
Luxury Brands
Luxury Brands are Racing to Embrace eCommerce
Online sales are expected to make up 25% of luxury’s sales by 2025. After first being fearful that the internet would damage their exclusivity, are luxury brands finally ready to fully take on digital?
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