This week we’re reading some great marketing advice for eCommerce retailers. There’s a lot of this content out there, but you can never get enough of it. You should constantly try to improve marketing for your eCommerce business, because it’s your source of revenue. We think these articles will help.
Content Marketing
Why Your eCommerce Store Should be Doing Content Marketing
Coming from a company that views content marketing as a core part of our strategy, this one is easy for me to agree with. Just standing up an eCommerce store is rarely enough to differentiate yourself. You need to build an audience–a ravenous tribe of followers. Content marketing is how you do that, and this Sweet Tooth blog post gets into that.
Twitter Share Counts
Success Metrics In a World Without Twitter Share Counts
Last fall, Twitter removed share count metrics. (You know, that number that showed how many times a piece of content was tweeted.) At the time time, social media marketers heads about fell off. In this article, the SEO and content marketing experts at explain how to measure Twitter, now that the dust has settled.
Digital Experiences
Digital marketing isn’t just about measuring what your customers do and blasting them with targeted advertisements. Big picture, it’s about creating an exceptional digital experience that turns them into a loyal customer. This article gets into a study that shows we are alarmingly failing to do this.
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