Southwest Airlines offers Internet service for just $5 bucks. Steve and I are making our way to Vegas for the Magento Partners Conference and with a 4 hour plane ride ahead of us, I couldnt resist logging on. Im writing this on Sunday from about 35,000 feet – pretty cool huh?
Heres something cooler.
Im so jazzed about our new reporting tools that I logged into one of our customers accounts just to see whats going on. This particular customer has 21 retail stores and 5 – yes 5 – web sites. From the friendly skies I can tell you what todays sales looks like in each of their stores. I can tell you which store is doing the best, which location is leading sales for the week, month, and even what their sales year-to-date are. Right now its 3:45 pm Eastern Standard Time. The stores will be closing at 6pm and I see that our customer did a little over $21,000 in Visa transactions today. Even on a crappy day like today (45 degrees in April!!) they had a healthy $55,000 dollar day. Kudos to Stores #5 and #3 too – – they had double the sales of other stores today. Woo-hoo!
So while this Internet connection is just a bit slow – how cool is it to know that if I was the business owner for this customer – I could be anywhere – on my couch, in a plane, in a car (ok maybe not in a car) and get up to the minute information on how my business is doing? I didnt mention that I could check what todays receivables look like or look at inventory across all my locations – because honestly – – Im ready to get back to playing solitaire (and my battery is about to run out). Before I sign off though, check out this weeks webcast hosted by Retail Realm which will feature our new Magento connection. Well show our new reporting feature as well as a few other goodies. Where else can you create a new Magento website and feed items to it from RMS in under 40 minutes?….only from nChannel of course!
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