This week we’re reading about a handful of different things: how small retailers can compete with large ones, ways to improve your digital marketing, and why you need a referral page. Check out the articles below.
Small Retailers vs. Big Box Retailers
How Small Retailers Can Take On Their Goliaths
Founder of Retail Minded and co-founder of the Independent Retailer Conference, Nicole Leinbach-Reyhle provides insight on what small retailers need to do to take on their big box competitors.
Digital Marketing
The State of Digital Marketing Infographic
Gear up for this infographic that demonstrates the importance of digital marketing today and the digital marketing techniques that marketers find most effective. What could you start doing?
Referral Pages and Why You Need Them
A Killer Referral Page is a Key Asset to Your Refer a Friend Program. Here’s Why.
Do you already have a referral program? Do you also have a referral page for it? If you don’t, this article will make you realize that you need one.
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