Time to spice things up a bit. This week we’re reading some articles that should stir the pot a bit–some topics that are a little controversial.
Have something to say about any of them? Leave a comment!
Slow Mobile Evolution
Report: Retailers Aren’t Evolving Fast Enough
This one is short and sweet…well maybe not so sweet. It covers a report, commissioned by SAP, that says retailers are not evolving to meet consumer’s mobile demands quickly enough. Time to look in the mirror, folks. Are you part of the problem?
A New Web Browser
New Browser Promises To Fix What’s Wrong With the Web
Just when we thought it was going to get simpler, with Microsoft killing off Internet Explorer… The co-founder of Mozilla and the inventor of JavaScript is working on a new browser that controls online ads instead of blocking. +1 for consumer privacy. -1 for adding a whole digital paradigm to figure out.
Amazon, Apple, Facebook, & Google
The Four Hoursemen: Amazon/Apple/Facebook & Google–Who Wins/Loses
This is a YouTube video, a presentation at DLD15. The presentation is a year old, so a couple things he mentions are a tad out of date. But, otherwise this video is totally worth 15 of your minutes. It provides some really good perspective on the world of the four massive tech giants that affect–well–everything.
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