With holiday shopping dominating the news, we’ve been reading a lot about eCommerce and omnichannel topics this week. Check out these articles to improve your online strategies.
eCommerce and Digital Marketing
eCommerce is no longer enough, time for e-Commpetition with Digital Marketing
As most companies now have an eCommerce strategy, it’s no longer enough to just be online. Your online experience has to be better. You can do that through better digital marketing strategies.
eCommerce in 2017
Ditch the Crystal Ball: Where to Place Strategic eCommerce Bets in 2017
2016 is coming to an end. It’s time to start thinking about your strategy for next year. See where Shopify Plus recommends placing your strategic bets in 2017.
Omnichannel Failure
Keeping Omnichannel from Becoming an Enemy
Retailers have admitted that they just because they practice omnichannel, it doesn’t mean they do it well. See these tips to prevent omnichannel becoming your worst enemy when executed poorly.
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