Driving Sales Through Tiny Houses and an Amazon Affiliate Channel Strategy
For companies that sell very niche products I wanted to pass on an opportunity that one of our partners turned us onto, simply for feedback and comments. As an Amazon Affiliate, bloggers, web stores and other content site owners can offer selected Amazon products on their web site and will earn up to 15% on any purchases made.
The Amazon Affiliate Program provides an XML file that automatically updates inventory availability and as well as customer feedback, item images, info, etc. to pull through your web site. When a customer clicks on the item in your site, the shopper is taken to the Amazon product page to complete the process. The affiliate doesnt have to merchandise or buy inventory which is perfect for a blogger – but could also make a lot of sense for companies that sell very narrow or niche type products – like Action Figures, Charm Bracelets, or even (more…)
How to Participate at Decisions Spring 2012 – Microsoft Dynamics
(Part 3 of 3)
I mentioned in Part I of this series that I had great results from the first virtual tradeshow I participated in as an exhibitor. That event was hosted by Microsoft, and they never ran it again. I think the feedback from exhibitors was poor, which at the time, was surprising to me. Now that Ive attended and exhibited at a few, I can see why many companies dont get out what they put into them…and why some attendees feel that their visit didnt pay off.
Here are 5 ways to ensure a virtual event will be complete waste of your time
In other words, dont do these things – youre killling a viable, extremely effective way for customers and solution providers to connect cheaply and easily.
1. Dont take the time to set up your booth so its usable by attendees (more…)
A Quick History on How Magento Became Successful
The Magento eCommerce software is one of the World’s most popular platforms for thousands of online retailers from Office Max, The North Face, Samsung and many more. Since 2001, Magento has over 110,000 merchants using their solution to run their eCommerce storefronts, but it did not happen overnight. Here’s a short history on the Magento platform and how the company became so successful.
Magento had experience (more…)
What to Expect at MSDynamicsWorld Spring 2012
(Part 2 of 3)
nChannel will be exhibiting at MSDynamicsworlds Decisions Conference during the GP day scheduled for June 18th. If youve never considered exhibiting or attending a virtual tradeshow, heres a chance to experience one of the few really well produced online shows so you can what they are supposed to be like and the value you can get from them.
Just like a regular Conference, the Decisions event has a guidebook or schedule of events that you can review once youre registered and inside the online conference. Prepare yourself…its like entering real conference center, complete with the sounds and virtual people walking around. The difference is you dont need to take a bus or walk 5 miles to get to the food, a place to sit, a conference session or the exhibit hall. (more…)
MSDynamicsWorld Spring 2012 and the Value of Virtual Tradeshows
Why Arent We Doing More of These? (Part 1 of 3)
Back in 2006 Microsoft floated an opportunity to several distribution-focused independent software vendors that I was initially skeptical about. The concept was a virtual tradeshow and while it appeared to be a neat concept, it was crazy expensive and I couldnt help but think Is the market really ready for this?
I ended up paying to participate as a virtual exhibitor, and I ended up conversing with potential partners and customers all over the world (but very few in North America). We closed just one opportunity from this event which more than paid for itself, but Microsoft never ran it again – apparently because many participants werent as lucky as me (?).
I mentioned the program to Adam Berezin at MSDynamicsWorld about a year later. At the time no one had money to attend or exhibit at traditional shows, and using this concept (more…)