Recently, we wrote about whether or not retailers should sell on Walmart marketplace. Ultimately, the decision is up to you. Walmart may be great for some, but not the right choice for others. However, if you do decide that you want to give Walmart a try, check out this infographic from 8th and Walton to help you get started.
How to Sell on Walmart Marketplace in 7 Easy Steps
Suppliers are no longer limited to Amazon and eBay to reach a broad audience online. Walmart’s e-commerce business is growing rapidly, with a 63% sales increase in the first quarter of FY18. The Walmart Marketplace is a huge opportunity for small businesses and entrepreneurs, but there is a much more involved approval and registration process than with Amazon or eBay.
How to Get Started
Start to finish, the whole process to become a Walmart Marketplace Seller can take 2-4 weeks.
1. Apply and Qualify
Visit, click “Apply Now” and complete all required fields. Select “Save” and “Apply Now.” You’ll be notified by email if approved (1-2 weeks on average).
2. Complete Registration
You made it! When you’re approved, you’ll receive an email with a unique link to create your Partner profile. Filling out these four sections to complete your registration: Account Creation, Partner Registration, Taxes (W-9), Verify Bank Account.
3. Complete Partner Profile
Your Partner Profile is a public-facing page where customers will be able to learn more about you — and to leave a review about their experience after purchasing. Go to the Seller Center to complete the remaining segments of your profile: Company Info, Customer Service, Shipping, Return Policy, Privacy Policy, Tax Info.
4. Verify Bank Deposit
You want to get paid, right? Log in to your bank account and look for the $0.01 deposit from “WM Marketplace Penny Test.” Click “Mark as Done” on your Launch Checklist. The penny deposit can take a few days to appear in your account, but if you still don’t see the deposit in 4 days, go back and double check your account information.
5. Complete Item Setup
Item Setup is the process of making all your content (product images, long and short descriptions, category, attributes, etc.) available on This will make it possible — and easier — for shoppers to find you online. To get started, first choose an integration method (API, Bulk Upload, or Solution Provider). Then you will select category, add images, prepare Item Setup Feed, and upload your Item Feed files.
6. Test Items and Orders
Once your Item Setup is complete, your items will be moved to “Staged” status. In the Seller Center, select “Preview Item” to verify content/pricing. This is exactly what your customer will see when they find your product, so double check this page for errors. To test ordering, set inventory to 1, click “Publish Item” and “Purchase Item.”
7. Launch Your Account!
When you “mark as done” all items on your Launch Checklist in Seller Center, a pop-up will ask you to confirm that you’re ready to launch. Select YES!
Who Should Consider Applying?
The top 5 categories for online shopping are: Consumer Electronics, Books, Clothing, Household Goods, and Office Supplies. If you sell a product in one of those five categories, you should strongly consider selling on the Walmart Marketplace and capitalize on existing search traffic. As a current Walmart supplier, selling your products on the Walmart Marketplace can be a strategic way to win the Buy Box.

To learn more about how to win the Buy Box, Walmart Marketplace Best Practices and FAQ, check out this in-depth guide to Walmart Marketplace by 8th & Walton.
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